Saturday, January 13, 2018

Review of GENMOS: The Genetically Modified Species

GENMOS: The Genetically Modified Species
Book 1 Gathering Storms 
by Stephen Coghlan

Genre: Spec Lit

Stephen Coghlan is a Canadian author. His story deals with a group of individuals who have been genetically blended with different animals to create weapons for a secret government agency. Unhappy with the results, the group was to be ‘put down’ but are saved by a group of scientists who see them as more than experiments.

The story opens up years later, when the lead scientist realizes that the government agency has found proof that they children are alive. An elite team is sent to capture or erase the evidence. It is a race across Canada to save the children as each learns to work as a team.

When I was first approached to review this novel, I have to admit that I was very hesitant, not because of the subject, but because of the cover. The artwork to me was pretty lame and I now admit that I did the unthinkable, I judged a book by its cover.

What a hell of a ride! Mr. Coghlan’s story is as face paced and action oriented as any Marvel/DC graphic novel or movie trailer that you could ask for. The writing is clear and crisp with a ton of suspense, mystery and surprise. I am extremely happy to find that this is just the first book, as the story allows so many different offshoots and I look forward to exploring more of the exploits of this exciting group. He has set the stage for an enormous battle between the evil government and the exploited few. I will definitely looking for a front row seat.


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